Herr Taylor Rules

Basic Procedures

Always bring the following: textbook, workbook, German folder, paper, writing utensil.

If you’ve been absent check in with me at the beginning of the period upon your return.

The basic Foreign Language Dept. grading scale is used (as posted).

Be in your seat when bell rings (unless you have legitimate business somewhere else in the room).

Stay in your seat until the bell rings (unless you have legitimate business somewhere else in the room).

Homework is to be handed in at the beginning of the period in the Ablage.

Homework should be done neatly (5 points deducted for folded, messy, perforated etc. paper).

Corrections should be done on the bottom or back of the original paper or should have the original stapled to the corrections.

The completed Arbeitsheft is to be handed in at the time of the chapter test.


Basic Classroom Behavior

Be polite, raise your hand to be called on.

Come prepared and participate.

Be attentive, join in, volunteer.

Display a positive attitude, humor, interest.

Take notes.

Don’t litter.

No putting on make-up, combing hair etc.

No feet up on other chairs/desks.

No profanity.

Don’t pack up until we’re finished with our work.


Not Allowed in Room

No non-fundraising food in room (drinks of all kinds, doughnuts etc.).

No walkmen, diskmen, gameboys, calculators with games etc. in room.

No jackets or hats in room.

Don’t do work for another class (unless German work is done and you have free time).


Special Procedures

You are encouraged to retake noch einmal quizzes/test (with letter grade of D or F).
This is to be done within one week. See me for time/place. You will receive an average of the two grades.

One day late homework will have 10 points deducted.

Two day late homework will have 20 points deducted.

More than two day late homework will receive only 20 points.

You’ll receive a bonus of 5 pts. if you type your homework.

You’ll receive a bonus of 5 pts. if you e-mail or fax your homework to me.

You’ll receive 20 Euro for a quarter period of perfect attendance. This will increase by 20 Euro each consecutive quarter period.

You’ll receive a free homework Gutschein for perfect attendance & 0 tardies in a quarter.

You’ll receive 5 Euro if you find an error in printed material that I hand out.

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Latest Update 8/14/2004